The asset management of water scenic resources is not only the effective adaption by water industry to the severe scarcity of natural resources and the growing demand for the ecological products, but also the positive response to the enhancing of production capability of ecological products initiated by the 18th National Congress of CPC. It aims to highlight the ecological and cultural superiority of water scenic parks and to realize the value of their material products, culture products and ecological products. The difficulty is to identify and display the ecosystem services of water scenic parks and to realize their value. The patterns of asset management of water scenic resources mainly include (1) development of environment-friendly agricultural products both in reservoir-based and irrigation system-based water scenic parks, (2) development of ecological tourism in river and lake-based water scenic parks, (3) ecological compensation in water and soil conservation-based water scenic parks, and (4) market transaction of water ecosystem services in the wetland-based water scenic parks. Different policy measures should be gradually improved with regard to different patterns of asset management of water scenic resources.
徐增让,刘 洋,邹秀萍,等.水利风景资源资产化管理初探[J].水利经济,2015,33(6):37-39.(XU Zengrang, et al. Primary researches on asset management of water scenic resources[J]. Journal of Economics of Water Resources,2015,33(6):37-39.(in Chinese))