



Advances in construction technologies of roller compacted asphalt concrete core wall dams in Xinjiang
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    鉴于已建碾压式沥青心墙土石坝工程系统监测资料较少,而部分工程运行过程中已暴露出一些问题,如坝体与基础变形对沥青心墙的安全性影响,大坝渗流与渗漏以及沥青心墙施工缺陷等,因此及时进行工程建设经验和设计技术经验总结非常必要。根据新疆近30年来土石坝中碾压式沥青混凝土心墙坝建设特点及发展趋势,新疆“高严寒、高海拔、高地震、深厚覆盖层、多泥沙”的特殊环境及水文地质条件,梳理了碾压式沥青混凝土心墙坝的筑坝技术与应用进展,对坝体结构分区、心墙力学性能与耐久性、砾石骨料应用、低温季节施工与层间结合技术、深厚覆盖层防渗处理技术等问题进行阐述,总结筑坝技术已取得的成就,提出未来技术发展展望及下一步需要研究的问题。实践表明,在新疆山区苛刻的自然环境条件下,百米级以上的沥青心墙坝是安全的,只要认真总结经验、精心设计、精心施工,未来突破150 m是完全有可能的。


    Considering that the systematic monitoring data for existing roller compacted asphalt concrete core wall dams is insufficient and some problems have been exposed for several projects during operating, such as the impacts of deformation of dam body and foundation on the safety of asphalt core wall, seepage and leakage, construction defects and so on, it is very necessary to summarize the experience of the engineering construction and design techniques for roller compacted asphalt concrete dams in time. According to the characteristics and development of roller compacted asphalt concrete core wall dams among earth and rockfill dams in Xinjiang for nearly 30 years, combined with the special environment and hydrogeological conditions of “severe freezing, high altitude, high earthquake intensity, deep overburden, and excessive sediment”, the construction technologies and applications of asphalt concrete core wall dams are summarized. Structural partitioning of the dam body, mechanical properties and durability of the core wall, application of the gravel aggregate, techniques of construction during cold weather and interlayer bonding, and techniques of seepage prevention treatment of deep overburden are reviewed. The achievements of dam construction are summarized and the technical development in the future as well as the problems for further study are proposed. Practice shows that asphalt concrete core wall dams of 100 m are safe in the severe natural environmental conditions in Xinjiang and it is absolutely possible to break through 150 m in the future with carefully summarized experience, elaborate design and meticulous construction.

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    发 布

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  • 在线发布日期: 2019-01-25