Abstract:To change the collapsing property of Pisha sandstone in water and to meet the needs for construction materials of check dams, Pisha sandstone property modification technologies were investigated. The effects of modifier with different concentrations on the swelling volume, shear strength, mineral composition and microstructure were studied by using consolidation volume and mechanical tests, XRD, TG-DTG and SEM. It shows that after property modification, the swelling of Pisha sandstone was evidently controlled and both the volume stability and the shear strength were improved. The maximum value of the volume reduction and the shear strength can be 50% and 138 kPa respectively. After modification, the spacing of the crystal layers of montmorillonite and the mass loss of the test specimen showed a significant decrease, and the hydration swelling inhibition was controlled effectively. In addition, the fracture and pore structure of the modified specimen was significantly reduced with much less cracks and smaller scales, which was more homogeneous.