Through comparison of the impacts of different proportions of fine sand and straw compost humus composition of the medium of PRB(permeable reactive barrier)on the remediation of nitrate pollution of groundwater, the effect of straw compost humus PRB in removing nitrate from groundwater was studied. The results show that using the straw compost humus as the PRB medium has a high removal rate of nitrate, and the quality of treated groundwater can reach the grade Ⅲ standard. Increasing the proportion of straw compost humus soil will improve the nitrate removal rate with PRB, but at the initial operation period the remediation effect is poor.
杨延梅,吴鹏宇.秸秆堆肥腐殖土PRB修复地下水硝酸盐污染研究[J].水资源保护,2016,32(6):93-97.(YANG Yanmei, WU Pengyu. Remediation of nitrate pollution of groundwater with straw compost humus PRB[J]. Water Resources Protection,2016,32(6):93-97.(in Chinese))