Abstract:In order to understand the community structure of macrozoobenthos in Yangcheng Lake, we surveyed the macrozoobenthos of Yangcheng Lake four times during the period from July 2014 to July 2015. A total of 35 macroinvertebrate species from three classes and seven phyla were collected at 14 sampling sites. The mean abundance and biomass of macrozoobenthos were 340 ind/m2 and 180. 4 g/m2, respectively. The dominant species of Yangcheng Lake were Bellamya aeruginosa, Corbicula fluminea, Propsilocerus akamusi, Tanypus chinensis, and Alocinma longicornis. Based on clustering analysis, the 14 sites were divided into three groups. Their habitat features corresponded to open water areas, aquatic vegetation areas, and areas with frequent human activity, respectively. Corbicula fluminea was mainly distributed in open water areas in the western part of the lake. Propsilocerus akamusi, Tanypus chinensis, and Limnodrilus hoffmeisteri were mainly distributed in the areas with frequent human activities in the middle of the lake and the north central area of the eastern part of the lake. Bellamya aeruginosa and alocinma longicornis were mainly distributed in the aquatic vegetation areas in the middle of the lake and the southern area of the eastern part of the lake. The biodiversity was greatest at sites in the open water areas, followed by the aquatic vegetation areas and areas with frequent human activities. The study results show that substate types, aquatic vegetation, and pollution conditions are the main factors causing the difference in spatial distribution of macrozoobenthos in Yangcheng Lake.