
(1.河海大学水文水资源学院,江苏 南京 210098;2.皖江工学院水利工程学院,安徽 马鞍山 243031;3.江苏省洪泽湖水利工程管理处,江苏 淮安 223100)







Numerical simulation of discharge capacity under middle and low water levels of Hongze Lake

(1.College of Hydrology and Water Resources, Hohai University, Nanjing 210098, China;2.School of Hydraulic Engineering, Wanjiang University of Technology, Maanshan 243031, China;3.Jiangsu Hongze Lake Water Conservancy Project Management Office, Huaian 223100, China)

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    为研究淮河中下游发生中小洪水时洪泽湖的泄流能力,建立淮河蚌埠至洪泽湖出湖口三河闸段一二维耦合水动力模型,模拟分析了重点河段切滩对洪泽湖中低水位下泄流能力的影响及切滩前后的流域行洪过程。结果表明:在5年一遇洪水过程下,洪峰时刻淮河干流蚌埠、临淮关、香庙、浮山和洪山头等水文站水位较切滩前分别下降0.02.m、0.07.m、0.21.m、0.55.m和0.70.m,漫滩时间分别减少1.d、4.d、9.d、9.d和17.d;洪泽湖三河闸站水位最高值为13.33.m,相比切滩之前升高 0.07.m,湖泊对应的下泄流量为8.300.m3/s,较切滩前增大800.m3/s,泄流能力提高11%。


    In order to study the discharge capacity of Hongze Lake in the middle and lower reaches of Huaihe River during medium and small floods, a one-dimensional and two-dimensional coupling hydrodynamic model was established for the Sanhezha section from Bengbu of Huaihe River to the outlet of Hongze Lake. The impact of key river reaches cutting beach on discharge capacity under middle and low water levels of Hongze Lake and the flood discharge process in watershed before and after cutting beach were simulated and analyzed. The results show that under the five-year flood process, the water level of Bengbu, Linhuaiguan, Xiangmiao, Fushan and Hongshantou hydrologic stations in the main stream of Huaihe River decreased by 0.02.m, 0.07.m, 0.21.m, 0.55.m and 0.70.m, respectively after cutting beach during the flood peak period, and the floodplain time decreased by 1 day, 4 days, 9 days, 9 days and 17 days, respectively. The maximum water level of Sanhezha Station in Hongze Lake was 13.33.m, which was 0.07.m higher than that before cutting beach. The discharge volume corresponding to the lake was 8.300.m3/s, which was 800.m3/s higher than that before cutting beach and the discharge capacity increased by 11%.

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  • 收稿日期:2021-08-20
  • 在线发布日期: 2022-09-20