Publication Ethics and Malpractice Statement of Water Resources Protection
Water Resources Protection is a member of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), abides by its Code of Conduct, and aims to adhere to its Best Practice Guidelines. Authors, reviewers, editors and readers are expected to be aware of, and comply with, best practice in publication ethics.
Responsibility for the Authors
As an author, he/she should promise that the content in the manuscript be true and reliable, free of any academic misconducts (such as plagiarism, fabrication, falsification, inappropriate authorship, duplicate submission/multiple submission or overlapping publications, etc.) and in compliance with the requirements of relevant rules and policies, then the bibliography information should be clearly annotated in the references. All authors should be contributors to the work, there’s no dispute in the author order, the correspondence author should ensure that publication of the paper be authorized by the other authors. When authors discover any errors in their own papers, all authors are obliged to promptly notify the journal editor or publisher and cooperate with the editor to retract or correct the paper. All sources of financial support for the project should be disclosed. With respect to conflicts of interest, authors should declare any conflicts of interest that relate to papers accepted for publication in our journal.
The copyright in the manuscript shall belong to its author, who should take the sole responsibility for the consequences of his views and data. The number and order of byline are up to the author to decide. The author’s signature is required for any post-submission changes in the by line. The contribution must be free from copyright disputes. In accordance with COPYRIGHT LAW OF THE PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINA.
Responsibility for the Reviewers
Double blind refereeing processes are conducted in processing manuscripts. More than two reviewing experts are to review manuscripts scientifically, scrupulously, objectively and fairly, and report to the editorial board if multi-submission, misconceptions, intellectual errors, suspected plagiarism or fabrication is found with a manuscript. Reviewers should have no conflict of interest with respect to the research, the authors and/or the research funders. Reviewers should point out relevant published work which is not yet cited. The reviewed articles should be treated confidentially.
Responsibility for the Editors and Editorial Board
The editor will be guided by COPE’s guidelines for retracting articles when considering retracting, issuing expressions of concerns, and issuing corrections pertaining to articles that have been published in our journal. Editors should preserve anonymity of reviewers.
The editorial board should follow the objective and requirements of the journal, process manuscripts objectively and fairly, encourages discussion and contention between different academic viewpoints, and choose excellent theses that are up to the requirements of the journal for publication. Prior to publication of the paper that has passed the review, the editorial board should sign a copyright transfer agreement with the author of the paper, in line with the “Copyright Law of the People’s Republic of China” so as to safeguard the rights of the author and the publisher. The editorial board will invite experts or use the “Misconduct Literature Detection System (AMLC)” to screen and check the manuscripts so as to prevent the existence of any potential academic misconduct in the journal. Editorial board should preclude business needs from compromising intellectual and ethical standards. Editorial board has complete responsibility and authority to reject/accept an article.
Responsibility of Readers
Readers can complain of the any possible dereliction of duty, lowered standard of acceptance, or other accomplished academic misconduct to the Editorial Board of Water Resources Protection , the Water Resources Protection Editorial Committee, the Water Resources Protection sponsorship unit, and the Water Resources Protection supervision agency. If misconduct is proved, editors will be properly penalized or enjoined to make a public apology.
Settlement of Academic Misconduct Complaints or Charges
Academic misconducts include such academic dishonesty or immorality as multiple submissions, duplicate publications, multiple publications, or redundant publications, “wrongful appropriation” and “stealing and publication” of another author ’s research achievement as one’ s own original work, and data falsification or tampering. If any of the above-mentioned academic ethical offenses or copyright infringement is verified, the retraction statement of the paper concerned will be announced in Water Resources Protection or its website, and its citation or recording in the relevant data bank will be subsequently erased to terminate its circulation and offset its negative effect in accordance with the behavior code for serial publication editors as stipulated in the COPE (Committee on Publication Ethics).
Publication Frequency
Currently Water Resources Protection is published on a bimonthly schedule,and each new issue will be published on the web as soon as its issue have fully completed the approval and editing process. If submissions are of sufficient rigor and quality, they can be published in ten months after receipt.
Open Access Policy
Water Resources Protection is a refereed, open access e-journal that disseminates original research of science of water resources , water ecology and water environment. All contents, such as fundamental and applied research papers, review articles, technical notes, and short communications are available free-of-charge to anyone with access to the Internet. Users can view and download all the papers without restriction and without charge. Users can fairly use the content for research and educational purposes. The journal is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International Licence. The copyright of all content published in the journal is retained by the authors.
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